National Caregiver Appreciation Month

Carolyn Mallory

Image of Carolyn Mallory with Julie Wilson

Carolyn is the mother and primary caregiver of her beautiful daughter, Emma. Emma lives with special needs but that’s not what defines her. Emma is kind, caring, empathetic and a pleasure to know, her mother has helped Emma grow into an amazing young woman. Moms are Moms, and we all love our kids, but Emma’s mom has a fierce love and passion that transcends a typical mom. Carolyn is an expert advocate on how to talk with schools, doctors, community agencies and family members on what her daughter needs to be successful.If you’re looking for someone to model patience, Carolyn is that woman, as there is no manual for raising a child with special needs. 

Carolyn is her daughter’s biggest fan and the loudest voice at Challengers Baseball, cheering on Emma and every child on that field. Her heart is huge, and she will do any thing for anyone. If you need a bake sale, mask sewn, a ride to a game or some one to listen to, she’s always there for others as well as her daughter.

    Here are a few things many of us can learn from Carolyn and other parents raising children with special needs:

  • Celebrate the small wins
  • Be in the moment
  • How to research information, especially if someone tells you “That, can’t be done”
  • Care and Compassion
  • Understanding and Listening Skills


It’s important for me to remember as Carolyn’s friend, to plan a girl’s night out, weekend away, drinks on a Friday night so my friend and super mom can continue to be her best self.

Special needs moms aren’t perfect. They fail as often as we all do. But it’s the getting back up every time that is inspiring. When all the odds are stacked against them, they seem to grow stronger.

Carolyn is inspiring, loving, generous, and above all champion caregiver extraordinaire.

I am a better person, teacher, and mom from knowing Carolyn and Emma.

– Julie Wilson