The latest edition of this popular directory is “HOT OFF THE PRESS” and is completely revised, updated and includes profile data on 616 Canadian companies who are directly involved in this growing sector of our industry and contains a cross reference for 198 various product listings.
This bound Directory is an ideal reference for anyone looking for information on manufacturers, distributors, dealers and exporters in the Assistive Devices & Technology industry.
This new directory has been designed to provide the changing demographics and lifestyle of today’s society, reflecting the increased demand and awareness of products and services for rehabilitation, therapy, home care services and assistive devices. An excellent resource directory for hospitals, rehabilitation, occupational therapy and physiotherapy centers, home health care providers, industry, governments and individuals.
The 20 main Assistive Devices & Technology categories are:
- Aids to Daily Living
- Ambulatory Aids
- Assistive Technology
- Bathroom Safety Products
- Diabetic Products
- Diagnostics
- Driving Aids
- Electrotherapy Devices
- Hearing Aids
- Home Health Equipment
- Incontinence/Ostomy Supplies
- Lift/Transfer Systems
- Mobility Aids
- Orthotic Devices
- Prosthetic Devices
- Rehabilitation Products
- Respiratory Products (home use)
- Seating & Positioning Products
- Visual Aids
- Wound Care Products
The Directory is available on CD (in Adobe Acrobat format – .pdf file) or hardcopy (bound). To purchase the above directory, please use the attached order form.
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